Neck Lift

We'll make you smile
As many people age their skin loses its elasticity, muscles begin to slack and fat and tissue begin to appear. The neck is one of the first areas to show signs of aging.
Neck lift surgery is a revolutionary face and neck surgery that aims at removing rolls of fat, loose skin and deep creases.
What makes US the best choice for Neck Lift
Our cosmetic surgeons have extensive years of experience in neck and jaw line treatments to tighten both women's neck and men's jaw line.
Neck lift surgeons operating are equipped with the skills and pioneering technology to produce a sculpted neck and well-defined jaw line via a variety of methods suitable for all patients’ needs and appearance goals.
Good Candidates for Neck Lift
Individuals in generally good health who are bothered by the appearance of the neckline and have the following concerns:
Sagging neck
Loose skin
Lax muscles in the neck
Fatty deposits under the chin
Preparing for your Neck Lift
One month before Neck Lift
Stop smoking completely. Certain medications, vitamins and herbal preparations may cause blood thinning and can increase bleeding.
One week before Neck Lift
You must stop all forms of nicotine, including nicotine gum and nicotine skin patches which may lead to the same healing problems caused by smoking. Maintain a healthy, nourishing diet to help your body heal.
One day before Neck Lift
Do not ingest any food or liquids after the time advised by our doctor. Make sure you pack a bag containing comfortable shoes and clothing that zips or buttons.
Neck Lift Procedure
Neck lift surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that combines platysmaplasty (the removal of excess skin) and cervicoplasty (the alternation of neck muscles). Neck lift surgery can be accompanied by facelift to achieve a complete improvement to the face and neck.
Plastic surgeons make two small incisions behind the ear and another under the chin. Liposuction may be administered during the procedure of neck lift to remove excess fat and loose skin.
After the Procedure
One day after Neck Lift
You are going to feel sore and tired for a few days after neck lift surgery. There will be bruising and swelling but this is all a natural part of the healing process.
One week after Neck Lift
If you experience discomfort or pain then you should take the prescribed pain killers as directed by your surgeon.
One month after Neck Lift
There will be a light dressing on the wounds after neck lift surgery and it must be kept dry for two weeks.
Six months after Neck Lift
There may be visible scarring during the first six months.
General risks of Neck Lift
Unsatisfactory results
Another corrective procedure
Accumulation of blood under skin
Frequently Asked Questions
What is recovering from Neck Lift like?
Most patients recover after a week or two and can go back to work within 3-5 days.
When will I be able to see results of Neck Lift?
You will be able to see some results from neck lift surgery right away; however these results will continue to improve over time. Some aspects of neck lift, such as the final appearance of facial scars can take six months or more.
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