Rhytidectomy - Facelift

We'll make you smile
Over time the impact of sun exposure, the stresses of everyday life and gravity start to appear on our faces. These aging signs are manifested in deep creases, slackness of the jaw line and folds and fat deposits on the neck.
Face lift or Rhytidectomy is a viable option to counteract these problems by removing fat and tightening skin and muscles — leaving your face with a youthful and vibrant appearance.
Face lift surgery is a popular choice among many male and female individuals looking to improve the appearance of the face and reduce signs of facial aging.
Total: Face lift + Brow Lift + Neck Lift
Half: Face lift + Neck Lift
What makes US the best choice for Face lift
Look and feel beautiful with the help of our skilled and successful facial surgeons.
Our plastic surgeons make it possible to correct several facial flaws and signs of premature aging, which can take a toll on a person's self-confidence.
We can help you decide which facelift surgery technique will give you the desired outcome and leave you looking and feeling confident and youthful.
Surgery is performed by board-certified head and neck plastic surgeons who pair a deep understanding of facial structures and function with an artistic eye for form, symmetry and natural refinement.
An ideal candidate for face lift surgery is an individual who:
Possesses good skin elasticity
Strong bone structure
Good health
Loose skin
Preparing for your Face lift
One month before Face lift surgery
You are strongly advised to completely stop smoking at least 3 weeks before your facelift.
One week before Face lift surgery
Avoid taking medicines such as Aspirin.
One day before Face lift surgery
You must not ingest any food and drink after midnight the night before your face lift surgery.
Morning of Face lift surgery
Make sure you wear loose-fitting clothes to help you feel comfortable while in surgery. Do not apply any moisturisers or other cosmetic products to your face, head or neck.
Face lift Procedure
Facial plastic surgeons begin with an incision in the area of the temple. The skin is gently lifted as the surgeon repositions and tightens the underlying muscle and connective tissue. In some instances, fat may be removed, as well as excess skin.
For male patients, the incision is applied to accommodate the natural beard line. In most cases, the incisions are made where they will fall in a natural crease of the skin to camouflage any marking or scar. After trimming the excess skin, the plastic surgeon will close the incision with fine sutures or metal clips. Depending on the extent of the facial techniques employed by the surgeon, a face lift can take between two to four hours.
Following the face lift surgery, the surgeon will apply a dressing to protect the entire area where the incisions were placed.
After the Procedure
One day after Face lift
You will be required to stay at the facility overnight. Our doctor will examine your face and incisions and will provide general instructions for aftercare and the proper use of supportive dressings.
One week after Face lift
Avoid Aspirin and any anti-inflammatory medications for the first few days after face lift surgery. Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke should be avoided to prevent delays in the healing process.
One month after Face lift
It may take a few months for swelling resulting from face lift to subside. Incision scars will fade in 6 months. Avoid being exposed to sun during recovery period to achieve all your appearance goals safely and painlessly.
General risks of Face lift
Swelling and bruising
Hair loss
Skin loss
Frequently Asked Questions
Where will the incisions be made during Face lift Surgery?
Typically incisions made during face lift surgery are placed around the front of the ear and behind the ear and scalp hairline.
When is the best time of year to undergo Face lift Surgery?
Winter is the best time to undergo face lift surgery, so you can avoid sun exposure after the operation.
When is it possible to wear make-up after Face lift Surgery?
Two weeks following face lift surgery.
Will my face structure be changed after the Face lift surgery?
Face lift does not alter or change a patient's natural features.
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