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Erkan Soylu MD, Assc. Prof.

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Erkan SOYLU, M.D., Assc. Prof.  Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

Erkan SOYLU, MD, Assc. Prof.

Øre-, næse- og halssygdomme


Fødselssted og dato: Elazığ, Tyrkiet / 1977


Fremmedsprog: tyrkisk, engelsk


Klinisk erfaring:

2012- Medipol Universitetshospital ØNH-klinik

2009 – 2012 Elazığ Uddannelses- og forskningshospital

2009 – 2010 Elazığ Militærhospital

2007 – 2009 Doğubeyazıt Public Hospital

2002 – 2007 Haseki Training and Research Hospital

2002 – 2002 Haseki Training and Research Hospital

1996 – 1996 Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty



2007 - Istanbul Haseki Training and Research Hospital,

Øre-, næse- og halssygdomme

2002 - Istanbul Universitet, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty

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