Breast Implant

We'll make you smile
Breast Augmentation
Breast implant surgery is a common breast contouring procedure designed to enlarge the size of small or asymmetrical breasts.
Breast augmentation is a viable plastic surgery procedure for women who wish to restore volume in breasts after weight loss, pregnancy or breast feeding.
Common types of implants used in breast augmentation include saline and silicone.
We are amongst the most advanced plastic surgery clinics offering an extensive variety of breast surgery treatments. Our plastic surgeons specialize in various techniques of breast surgery to achieve the most desired shape and size.
Their commitment and expertise in the specialty of breast enlargement have distinguished them as top surgeons.
During your consultation, one of our plastic surgeons will help determine your implant preference — saline or silicone — to best meet your needs and appearance goals. Our breast surgeons will discuss size, shape and profile of the implants to complement your body profile and ensure you attain natural-looking results.
Good Candidates for Breast Implants
Good candidates for breast implant surgery:
Women with fully-developed breasts
Women in good health
Have realistic expectations
Maintain a stable weight
Preparing for Breast Implants
One month before Breast Implants Surgery
Stop taking medicines such as Aspirin and Vitamin E. Stop smoking completely.
One week before Breast Implants Surgery
You will be asked to undergo blood tests and a cardiac evaluation before you undergo surgery. During your consultation, the doctor will provide you with all the necessary pre-operative instructions.
One day before Breast Implants Surgery
It is imperative not to ingest any food or beverages after the time advised by the doctor. Make sure you pack a bag containing comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothes.
Morning of Breast Implants Surgery
Do not apply any gel or cosmetic hair products.
We will arrange for a driver to pick you up at the hotel in the morning and take you back to your hotel after the surgery. It is highly recommended you have someone accompanying you the day of the breast implants procedure and to spend time with you during the first 48 hours after surgery.
Breast Implants Surgery
Once anaesthesia has taken effect, your plastic surgeon will make an incision behind each breast to create a “pocket” - a space within your breast tissues — for each breast implant. The breast implants will then be placed in the pockets and positioned for optimal appearance and symmetry.
After comparing both breasts to ensure proper implant placement, your plastic surgeon will close the incisions with stitches, although tape or glue may also be used.
After Surgery
One day after Breast Implants
You will experience some pain, bruising, and swelling immediately after breast implants surgery. During the next few weeks, these symptoms will improve. You may need to stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 days.
One week after Breast Implants
Refrain from driving for at least one week. To ensure you get the best results, follow the aftercare instructions provided by your plastic surgeon.
One month after Breast Implants
Avoid engaging in strenuous activities or any physical exercise for four weeks. You will be asked to wear a tight-fitting sports bra 24 hours-a-day for a month after breast implants. Make sure not to lift heavy objects and sleep facedown.
Six months after Breast Implants
Results of breast implants are long lasting and you will begin to see the final results after 6 months. Breast augmentation surgery will result in a significant boost in self-confidence.
General Risks of Breast Implants Surgery
Unfavourable scarring
Poor healing
Blood clots
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I get back to my normal routine after Breast Implants?
By the end of the fourth week following breast implant surgery, most restrictions will be lifted and you can go back to your normal routine as you feel comfortable.
What are the common side effects of Breast Implants?
The type of implants we use are ONLY FDA-approved. Breast implants offered have a life-time warranty.
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