Blepharoplasty - Eye Lid Surgery

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Blepharoplasty | Upper & Lower Eyelid
Eyelid surgery is a cosmetic facial treatment designed to reverse the signs of aging in the upper and/or lower lids.
Medically referred to as Blepharoplasty; the treatment can help correct signs of bags, droopy eyelids and dark shadows of the lower and upper eyelids.
Eyelid surgery is a simple and straightforward procedure; with lower eyelid surgery being a technically demanding treatment. Therefore, choosing an experienced eyelid surgeon who is well-versed in all aspects of eyelid surgery is crucial to receive successful and satisfying results.
Good candidates for Eyelid Surgery:
Lower eyelid droopiness
Puffy appearance to the upper eyelids
Excess skin of the lower eyelids
Bags and dark circles under eyes
Preparing for your Eyelid surgery
One month before Eyelid surgery
If you are a smoker, it is strongly advised that you stop smoking one month prior to your Eyelid Lift surgery. Also avoid certain anti-inflammatory medications and Aspirin which can cause increased bleeding.
One week before Eyelid surgery
During your consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, either via online or in person, you will be provided with additional pre-operative instructions.
Eyelid surgery
Blepharoplasty surgery is operated under local anaesthesia and light sedation. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and requires minimal after care.
For the upper eyelid surgery, the incisions are placed in a natural skin crease, so upon healing scars subside quickly. The lower eyelid incision is made on the inside of the eyelid and occasionally just under the lower lash.
After the Procedure
One day after Eyelid surgery
The first few days after Eyelid Lift surgery, you should rest with your head elevated. The doctor will instruct you to apply cold compresses to your eyelids.
One week after Eyelid surgery
During the first 48 hours after your Eyelid Lift surgery, you may experience varying degrees of bruising and swelling.
One month after Eyelid surgery
Some patient's find that mild swelling persist for several weeks. Bruising usually disappears within seven to ten days.
General Risks of Eyelid surgery
Dry eyes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long before I see results from my Eyelid surgery?
Recovering from Eyelid Lift surgery is a gradual process and scarring may appear slightly pink for six months after the procedure.
Will my incisions from Eyelid surgery be visible?
Incisions made during Eyelid lift surgery are inside the patient's lower eyelid, leaving no visible scars.
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