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Arm Lift

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The arm lift procedure is designed to reshape arms to result in smoother skin and contours
The arm lift procedure is designed to reshape arms to result in smoother skin and contours
The arm lift procedure is designed to reshape arms to result in smoother skin and contours

Arm lift as a cosmetic surgery is one of the effective body surgery procedures used to tighten the skin of the upper arms and to treat a medical condition known as batwing deformity.

The procedure is designed to reshape arms to result in smoother skin and contours, resulting in a more toned and proportionate appearance.

Good Candidates for Arm Lift Surgery
The best candidates to undergo arm lift are healthy individuals, possess realistic expectations and at or near their ideal weight.

  • Excess skin in upper arms

  • Fat in upper arms

  • Batwings

Preparing for Arm Lift

One month before Arm Lift
If you are a smoker, it is advisable you stop smoking one month in advance before you travel for arm lift. Specific medications that increase the risk of bleeding such as Aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications and some vitamins should be stopped prior to surgery.

One week before Arm Lift
During the consultation session with one of our plastic surgeons, you will be supplied with all the vital instructions for pre-operative care. You may be required to complete blood tests and cardiac evaluation.

One Day before Arm Lift
Do not ingest any food or drink after the time advised by your surgeon.

Pack a bag with comfortable shoes and clothing, specifically clothing that zips or buttons

Morning of Arm Lift
Shower or bathe normally. Avoid using body lotions on your body.

Arm Lift Procedure

During your consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, we will determine what type of reduction is best suited for you. Liposuction is often used to correct hanging arm tissue. There are two types of brachioplasty surgery available.

A partial arm lift is performed by making a small incision in the armpit region, which may extend a short distance onto the inside of the upper arm. A full arm lift may require a longer axial incision down the medial arm to the elbow.

Arm lift and liposuction can be both used in one surgery to remove excess tissue and encourages the skin to shrink and to conform to the contour of the new arm.

After Arm Lift Surgery

One day after Arm Lift
You will be given all the medical garments and medicine which will include pain medication, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.

One week after Arm Lift
Avoid straining yourself or making effort with your arms. Try to rest for the first few days and avoid driving. It is best to have someone who can help during the first week after arm lift surgery.

One month after Arm Lift
Most patients experience muscle discomfort about 7 to 10 days after arm lift surgery, so it is vital to take your medication on schedule.

General Risks of Arm Lift Surgery

  • Bleeding

  • Infection

  • Unattractive scarring

  • Swelling of the hands

  • Seroma formation

Frequently Asked Questions

Will arm lift surgery be painful?
Patient undergoing an upper arm reduction procedure will need a few days of oral pain medication to treat discomfort.

Will there be scarring with arm lift surgery?
Arm reduction surgery involves the removal of skin and places incision near the elbow, traversing to the arm pit and often crosses onto the chest wall. Your plastic surgeon may place the incision towards the back of the arm so that it is not visible from the front.

We're here to help.

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